How to Submit your WordPress Site to Google News
If you like to know How to Submit your WordPress Site to Google News go through the post till the end.
Adding up your site in Google News is an excellent way to increase your web traffic and help to reach new audiences. It also increases your SEO ranking.
Moreover, Visitors will likely trust your website more if they see you appear on Google News.
About Google News
Google News is an up-to-minute news aggregator developed by Google that displays the latest news, headlines, and stories from all around the world.
The purpose of Google News is to provide recent news updates and headlines worldwide. It uses numerous sources to provide content and is available in multiple languages.
Google News can be viewed under the dedicated ‘News’ tab in google whenever you search a topic.
It also appears at the top of search results when you search top stories.
Benefits of Submitting Your WordPress Site to Google News
Google News is the source for people searching for trusted information about the latest news, stories, current issues, and other topics worldwide. Submitting your WordPress site to Google News can instantly increase your web traffic and enhance your site’s SEO.
Besides all these, people will likely trust your site more when your site appears by the side of big brands such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Verge, and many more.
Requirements for submitting site in Google News
If you want to make your website appear in Google news, your site must follow Google’s rules and policies.
It has set some policies and guidelines which the site and its content must fulfill to appear in Google news.
It checks the quality of the content, technical aspects, and design. The content should not be dangerous, misleading, hateful, deceptive, or include violence.
In addition, you have to maintain transparency. This means you have to provide author bylines, contact information, and the network behind the company. If someone sponsors your site or company, you must provide complete details. And likewise, many more.
If your site doesn’t meet these requirements, it will be rejected.
How to Submit your WordPress Site to Google News
Now let us see the steps you need to follow to submit your site.
Follow the steps to add your publication to the publication center.
1. Go to the Google Publisher Center website.
2. Now, you will get a welcome notice. Click the ‘Got it’ button to continue.
3. Here, click the ‘Add publication’ button given in the menu on your left.
4. After this, a popup window will appear where you have to fill your WordPress blog, its URL, and the location.
5. After entering these details, check the box to certify that your details are correct.
6. Click the ‘Add publication’ button.
Now, your publication is added to the publication center.
Now follow the steps to add up your complete details.
1. Click the ‘Publication settings’ button next to your WordPress blog.
2. Next, you can edit your Publication name and select a ‘Primary language’ under Basic information.
3. Now, scroll down and edit the Location for your publication and the Primary website property URL.
( If you haven’t verified your website, click the ‘Verify-in search console’ button. A popup will emerge asking you to open the Google Search Console so that you can verify your site’s ownership. )
4. After the verification, you can go back to the Publication Settings and scroll down to view more options.
For example, you will have the option to add additional website property URLs and a contact email address for your publication.
After this, click the ‘Next’ button.
5. Here, you can add a logo for your publication. After uploading your logo, click the ‘Save’ button at the top and return to the Publisher Center homepage.
Now you have uploaded your details successfully to the publication center.
Now follow the steps to configure your site to Google news.
1. Now, select your publication from the menu on your left and click the ‘Google News’ box.
2. Further, click the ‘Edit’ button to configure your site for Google News.
Now enter Basic information, including a Publication description and Publication category from the dropdown menu.
3. Scroll down to see Distribution settings. By default, your content will be available worldwide and allow all Google properties.
However, you can change country settings by allowing or blocking a specific country from the ‘Countries’ dropdown menu. Likewise, you can also change the Google properties settings from the dropdown menu.
4. After all, click the ‘Next’ button.
5. Here, you can add Sections in Google News, which will appear as tabs.
For example, you can add Feed, web location, video, or you can create a personalized feed for your site.
6. To start, click the ‘+ New section’ button and select any option you want. For this section, we are adding a Feed.
7. After selecting a Feed, a popup will arise.
Here, add a title and RSS feed URL( Google News will use this URL as a content source ), and select View access ( who can view this section). After filling in details, click the ‘Add’ button.
8. Moving ahead, you will get the Access groups option to restrict particular sections of your publication for specific people in the Google News app. After this, click on the ‘Next’ button.
Now you can review the publishing status and test your application.
1. In ‘Google News app publishing status,’ You can review any missing items ‘ and then test your application.
Click on the ‘Review’ button for any item and see what is missing or what you have not done.
2. Before publishing, you can scroll down to the ‘Testing your publication’ area. Here, click on the ‘Follow publication’ button. By clicking it, your site will appear under Favorites in the Google News app.
3. Now, go ahead and click the ‘Publish’ button under the Google News app publishing status’ box.
After all these steps, you have submitted your publication for review. Usually, it may take two weeks or more for the review process to complete.
To conclude – After reading this section, you have understood what Google news is, why you should submit your site to Google News, the Requirements to submit your site, and finally, the steps for submitting your site to google news. we hope this helps!