Learning Responsive Web Design by Building Projects

Learning Responsive Web Design by Building Projects

Apart from coding lessons, the best way to learn concepts and the syntax of any language is by making a series of projects for good practice. Here is a list of projects that will help you develop, sustain as well as strengthen your skills in responsive web design. 

  • A Cat Photograph App: This project will mainly allow you to practice your HTML basics.
  • A Cafe Menu: Building this project will help you get good at your basic CSS. 
  • Building a Marker Set: The idea behind this project is to make you comfortable with identifying and practically using colours with CSS. 
  • Creating a Registration Form: This will help you get comfortable with working with forms in HTML.
  • Survey Form: The aim of this project is the same as that of the previous project but this one is taking your HTML form skill to the next level.
  • Creating a Rothko Painting: The aim of this project is to help you get a practical understanding of the CSS box model. 
  • Creating a Photo Gallery: The idea behind this project is to help you learn CSS Flexbox. 
  • Creating a Nutritional Label: This will help you work on your typography skills. 
  • Creating a Quiz: This will help you learn how accessibility works. 
  • Creating a Tribute Page: This will test all the skills you have worked on with the above projects. 
  • Creating a Balance Sheet: This project will help you learn and get a practical understanding of the pseudo-selectors in CSS. 
  • Creating a Picasso Painting: Working on making this project will help you get an understanding of Intermediate level CSS. 
  • Creating a Piano: This project will help you in learning responsive web design. 
  • Creating a Technical Documentation Page: This will help you use all the skills used in the above projects and test them. 
  • Create a City Skyline: This will give you a good practice of variables in CSS. 
  • Create a Magazine: This project will help you learn about grids in CSS. 
  • Create a Landing Page: This project will help you use all the skills learned above in one place. 
  • Build a Penguin: This project will be very useful to you in developing an understanding of transforms in CSS. 
  • Creating a Ferris Wheel: This project will be quite a help to you in growing an understanding of the animations in CSS.
  • The last project you can work on can be building your own personal portfolio in the form of a webpage that can contain all the projects that you have worked on till now. 

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