Learning Responsive Web Design by Building Projects
Apart from coding lessons, the best way to learn concepts and the syntax of any language is by making a series of projects for good practice. Here is a list of projects that will help you develop, sustain as well as strengthen your skills in responsive web design.
- A Cat Photograph App: This project will mainly allow you to practice your HTML basics.
- A Cafe Menu: Building this project will help you get good at your basic CSS.
- Building a Marker Set: The idea behind this project is to make you comfortable with identifying and practically using colours with CSS.
- Creating a Registration Form: This will help you get comfortable with working with forms in HTML.
- Survey Form: The aim of this project is the same as that of the previous project but this one is taking your HTML form skill to the next level.
- Creating a Rothko Painting: The aim of this project is to help you get a practical understanding of the CSS box model.
- Creating a Photo Gallery: The idea behind this project is to help you learn CSS Flexbox.
- Creating a Nutritional Label: This will help you work on your typography skills.
- Creating a Quiz: This will help you learn how accessibility works.
- Creating a Tribute Page: This will test all the skills you have worked on with the above projects.
- Creating a Balance Sheet: This project will help you learn and get a practical understanding of the pseudo-selectors in CSS.
- Creating a Picasso Painting: Working on making this project will help you get an understanding of Intermediate level CSS.
- Creating a Piano: This project will help you in learning responsive web design.
- Creating a Technical Documentation Page: This will help you use all the skills used in the above projects and test them.
- Create a City Skyline: This will give you a good practice of variables in CSS.
- Create a Magazine: This project will help you learn about grids in CSS.
- Create a Landing Page: This project will help you use all the skills learned above in one place.
- Build a Penguin: This project will be very useful to you in developing an understanding of transforms in CSS.
- Creating a Ferris Wheel: This project will be quite a help to you in growing an understanding of the animations in CSS.
- The last project you can work on can be building your own personal portfolio in the form of a webpage that can contain all the projects that you have worked on till now.