free seo tools

A Guide to Free SEO Tools

We all know the importance of SEO for any website. SEO helps gather more increased traffic towards your site, and it is an organic way you can utilize to get an attractive position in search engines.  You can obtain data reports about your website’s status and success using SEO tools.

In this post, we will explain many free SEO tools you can utilize to examine your website and work according to it. Before giving you the tools, we would like to explain what SEO tool is and why they are useful to us. 


What is SEO Tool?

SEO tools are there to help you analyze your website to find out your strong and weak areas. They can give you a detailed report suggesting the areas you need to work on appearing in SERP and gathering traffic to your site. 

They can even suggest to you how your competitors are performing.


What are the uses of SEO Tools?

There are a number of free and paid tools present in the market. Each SEO tool has a specific function to perform. They can help you in a complete analysis of your site, keyword research, links, On-page and Off-page SEO, research, rank checking, site speed, WordPress SEO, and much more. 

These can help you save time and money from manual SEO audits and provide you with better and faster results. They can help you create a strong SEO Plan for your website, and you can get a better analysis of your and your competitor’s site. You can find out how they are performing, what strategies they are following to get a better result, and much more.

Now, without any further delay, let us give you the list of free SEO Tools you can Utilize for a better result.

23 Best Free SEO Tools


1. The Yoast SEO Plugin

The plugin makes it very comfortable to optimize your WordPress site. 

You can easily install and use Yoast SEO Plugin on your site if you run it on WordPress. Its best part is it’s free to use. 

With the Yoast plugin, you can improve, modify and optimize your content differently. It gives you three Different tabs, namely- SEO, Readability, and social, in which it gives you scores and suggests the areas to work on.

You can set meta descriptions, titles, and URLs for your content using Yoast. You can also generate an XML Sitemap. 

2. Google Search Console

GSC is a free tool provided by Google. It was earlier known as the Google Webmasters tool.  

You can use this to determine how Google crawls and index your website. 

Probably, there will be no list of free SEO tools that can complete without the Google Search Console. 

It helps developers and website owners observe, maintain, and troubleshoot their websites in search results. Additionally, you can analyze your website’s performance and search traffic using GSC.

3. Google Analytics

Analyzing websites is made easier with Google Analytics, a service provided by Google. It can help website owners track and analyze their website performance and how visitors interact with their site.

Using it, you can analyze the traffic on your site, where it is coming from, your site’s bounce rate, visitors on your site, and time spent on it.

Using Google Analytics, you can better know your audience, manage ads, set goals, and more. You can find out whether your efforts are fruitful.

Although it is enough on its own, it can help you get much better results if combined with the Google search console.

You can determine the keywords people use to locate your website, the CTR on those keywords, and more.

4. The Mobile-Friendly Test

Google offers a Mobile-friendly test tool to check whether your website is mobile-friendly. Your site needs to pass the mobile-friendly test to be considered SEO optimized.

It is an SEO ranking factor set by google. If your page isn’t mobile-friendly, it will give you specific areas to address.

You don’t need to do anything much to make your site mobile-friendly. You only need to run your site through the test, and it will give you a green signal if you pass it or a red signal if you fail. Moreover, it will suggest the areas you need to address.

5. Answer The Public

It is a free keyword tool that picturizes the questions asked in searches and the autocompleted suggested searches in an image. 

You can get keywords from it within a short time. 

Generally, other SEO tools gather their data using google keyword planner. On the other hand, Answer The Public organizes the questions asked in blogs, social media, and forums into great keywords. 

It categorizes the keywords in how, when, why, can, what, and much more.

6. Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

With this tool, you can get a list of SEO improvement areas within seconds. It is a very convenient chrome extension. 

At first, it gives you the overall SEO score of your website, and then it suggests how you can improve your site’s SEO 

It gives you the details of your website’s performance, your weak areas, and how you can fix it. 

With Woorank, you can keep track of what is affecting your website’s SEO.

7. Animalz Revive

This tool can help you improve and update the old content of your site. 

Without this, you need to manually find out the older content on your site, due to which you are losing your traffic which is a big mess.  

Animalz Revive makes this very convenient for you. It provides you with a list of older posts that needs your attention for an update. 

This works in three steps: 

  • Authenticate- First, you need to provide your Google Analytics account. 
  • Analyze- Animalz Revive will analyze your site’s content to look for content decay. 
  • Update-Give you the list of posts and articles you need to upgrade.

8. CanIRank

CanIRank is an in-depth keyword difficulty tool that can analyze and suggest whether you can rank a particular keyword. 

The tool can suggest how you can rank in the search result for a particular term. 

Additionally, it regularly observes the results and notifies you of the changes you need to address, such as the change in your rank and the new link possibilities, and competitors’ strategies. 

CanIRank can help you to gather more visitors to your site.

9. Seobility

Seobility offers SEO tools for free to help you optimize your site that can perform for a long time. 

You can determine your site’s weak and strong areas using Seobility to analyze your site to a greater extent to optimize it for search engines. 

Seobility SEO toolset includes SEO check, Keyword check and ranking check tool and SEO Compare tool. 

  • SEO check: Analyze the site’s onsite factors,  
  • Keyword check: Analyze whether or not the site is optimized for a particular keyword. 
  • Ranking check: using relevant keywords, it analyzes your ranking in search results. 
  • SEO Compare tool: you can compare the difference between your site with your competitor’s site using keywords. 

It can also display the site’s Slow loading pages, Blocked pages, Sitemap problems, and Technical SEO issues.


BROWSEO is a free SEO tool you can use to view your website’s pages without any distractions generated by styles. 

It provides an x-ray vision of your site through search engines, meaning you can visualize how search engines view your site and how it will appear in search results. 

This helps you by highlighting the parts of a page appropriate to search engine optimization by analyzing your content, title, meta description and more. 

You need not download or install anything for it. Only you have to enter the URL on its site to get started.

11. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that provides you with the features for free that are offered by premium SEO tools. 

Users can generate new keywords and content ideas using this tool.  

It gives you an overview of the keyword you search. It can suggest to you the related long-tail keywords and content ideas on the basis of the keyword. 

When you perform keyword research, it provides you with a report on monthly keyword search volume, the difficulty of the keyword, and the average cost needed per click. 

Additionally, it can suggest how many backlinks a site should have to rank for a particular keyword. 

12. Bing Webmaster Tools

With Bing Webmaster Tools, you can Optimize your website for Bing. 

In case you desire to get a ranking for your site in Bing, you must not forget Bing Webmaster Tools. 

It is a complete toolset that allows you to analyze your site and search analytics. 

To use it, you need to create an account and upload your sitemap to it, and it will let you optimize your site. 

It can provide you with organic keyword ideas and can perform keyword research. It crawls your complete website to determine the areas of problem and other additional details. It’s like a virtual second opinion for your site.

13. Dareboost

It is a tool you can use to test, analyze and monitor the speed, SEO, quality, and security of your website. 

It is a complete web optimization tool for website optimization that checks your website performance without the need for any installation. All you need is to enter your URL on the site.  

It analyzes the quality and load time issues of your website and suggests a number of optimization tips that are effective for your site.

14. Google’s Keyword Planner

It is a free tool offered by Google to find the keywords to optimize your content for search engines. 

In addition to the keyword suggestion, it gives you an estimation of monthly searches the keywords will receive along with the expense required to target them. 

You can use Google’s Keyword Planner in researching the keywords that you can use to improve your website’s performance as it provides Google-based practical SEO keyword planning. 

15. People Also Ask

People Also Ask is a free tool that helps you find question-based keywords. It drags queries asked by the people that appear in the ‘People Also Ask’ area of the search results of Google. 

The idea behind this is you can create your content on the basis of the queries the public needs answers to. After all, you are writing for your users. This will help you increase the user experience on your site and improve your site’s SEO. 

With this ‘People Also Ask’ tool, you can uncover the ideas for new posts, give suggestions to your writers to make strong content, and optimize your previous blog posts for search engines. 

16. Ahrefs


To improve the SEO performance of your website, you can use Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, which is totally free to use. 

You can Sign up and verify your website to analyze your website. It can suggest your site’s problematic areas and provide suggestions to resolve them. 

It helps you analyze and monitor your site’s SEO status, issues related to it, your backlinks, traffic analysis, keyword rankings, etc. 

17. SERPSim

It is a Search Engine Result Page (SERP) simulator and a preview tool that helps you optimize your content’s SEO titles and meta descriptions for your sites. This displays the web appearance of your site in the search results. 

It can help website owners and writers frame page titles and meta descriptions to improve SEO results to boost your click-through rate.  

Also, it can analyze the truncation issues on your site and fix them. It improves your SEO and gathers more traffic to your site for a particular site.

18. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a website crawler to find and fix technical and On-site SEO issues. 

It is hectic to find out the technical issues your website faces and then fix them.  

Screaming Frog is one of the favored tools for examining technical and on-page SEO issues on websites. It can generate a report of issues your site is facing, such as HTTP header errors, javascript rendering issues, bloated HTML, crawl errors, etc.

19. Siteliner

Siteliner is a free and quick analysis tool you can use to find out duplicate content, broken links, internal page rank, etc., on your website. It also creates an XML sitemap for your site. 

To use Siteliner, you need to enter your domain name. After that, it starts crawling your site by tracking the internal links. It quickly goes through the site’s data and generates a site report. 

It can figure out the issues the blocked pages, messed up redirects and broken links on your site so that you can fix them and improvise your site’s SEO.

20. Exploding Topics

With this free SEO tool, you can grab the keywords before they become competitive. 

It analyzes the searches and provides the topics that have recently started gaining fame.  

You can use to be popular keywords to create great content or polish your previous content related to it. 

The best part is with its category option, you can find out topics related to your business.

21. Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker

you can use Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker to analyze the links on websites. 

Its free version can provide the top 100 backlinks to any URL or website.  

You can use this tool to analyze your competitor’s website to find possible link-building options. 

Additionally, it can display the top linked pages, common anchor texts, and total backlinks to that website. Domain Rating and URL Rating scores can also be seen in the data.

22. Cloudflare

It is a free Content delivery network. This can help you to speed up your site, as well as it can protect your site from malicious attacks. 

It provides Security, Performance, and Reliability all in one. 

Its function is to make everything you connect to the Internet fast, secure, and reliable. 

It helps to Protect and Accelerate your Web Properties, apps, APIs, and websites. 

23. Bulk Google Rank Checker

After using a number of SEO tools to optimize your site, you will need a free rank checker to determine your progress. 

It is a simple and accurate Google rank checker tool you can utilize where you rank in Google. 

You can find your site’s performance and position in search engine results. 

You need to enter up to ten keywords, your domain name, and the version of Google you are using, and it will show you accurate real-time results. 

To sum up-

These are the best 23 Free SEO tools you can use to analyze your website’s performance and optimize it for search engines to get a more elevated search ranking. 

These SEO tools, your content, site structure, marketing strategy, on-page, and off-page factors, everything should be great to become a great performing website.

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